Floods in South Brazil

Anselmo Cunha/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

In May 2024, Rio Grande do Sul faced one of its most challenging natural disasters

You can help by purchansing a Aid Through Art NFT



Aid through art

Rio Grande do Sul needs your help

When you purchase an NFT from this collection, ​you’re doing more than adding a unique piece of ​art to your collection—you’re helping to fund ​crucial rebuilding efforts. All proceeds go ​directly to support the communities affected by ​the floods.

Donate your art


the effort!

In May 2024, Rio Grande do Sul faced one of its ​most challenging natural disasters—a series of ​devastating floods. Torrential rains led to ​widespread flooding, affecting countless lives ​and causing significant damage across the state. ​Homes were destroyed, and communities were ​left in dire need of assistance.

The Aid Through Art is part of a dedicated effort ​to aid those affected. Featuring powerful images ​that captures both the resilience and the urgent ​need for recovery in Rio Grande do Sul, this ​collection is not just a piece of digital art. It ​represents a beacon of hope and a call to ​action.

If you're an artist and want to donate your art ​so we can transform it in a beautiful NFT reach ​out to contact@aidthrough.art

Your help is much appreciated!

What’s happening


The New York Times

Ana Ionova and Tanira Lebedeff

"Torrential rains have caused one of Brazil’s worst ​floods in modern history, leaving more than 100 ​dead and nearly an entire state submerged."


“Before and after: Images from space reveal ​submerged airport runway and football field in ​devastating Brazil floods”

The Guardian

“Officials in Rio Grande do Sul state say more than ​80,000 have been displaced by record water ​levels”

Aid Through Art


Do​nate to






